The rising popularity of e-scooters in urban areas highlights the importance of understanding potential collision dynamics and consequences to enhance rider safety, especially since 80% of fatalities for these vulnerable road users result from incidents involving motor vehicles. This study aims to identify potential injury mechanisms of e-scooter riders involved in frontal impacts against Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs) using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and a Human Body Model (HBM). Six impact scenarios at 25 km/h were simulated: on the passenger's side door (1-SD), on the trunk door (2-TD), on the bonnet (3-FB), on the bonnet from the side (4-SB), on the windshield from the side (5-SW), and finally, on the bonnet with an offset (6-FO). A wide range of Injury Risk Criteria (IRCs) was analyzed, including A3MS, HIC15, BrIC, DAMAGE, Cmax and PC Score, and head contact forces were output. Injury Risk Curves were then used to calculate the probability and severity of the sustained injuries predicted by the mentioned IRCs. Overall, the results corresponding to the most injurious scenarios suggested serious (30% to 40% overall probability) and critical (45% probability for the 4-SB scenario) brain, moderate head (30% probability for scenarios 1-SD and 2-TD), and serious thoracic (26% to 78% overall probability) injuries. Additionally, in two scenarios (1-SD and 2-TD), the e-scooter rider's mandible impacted against the vehicle's roof side rail and rear spoiler, involving potential anterior-posterior serious mandible fractures. The conclusions reached in this study help to understand potential injury sources and provide valuable information for the design of specific safety systems or the creation or improvement of e-scooter legislation.
Spanish layman's summary:
El objetivo de este estudio era identificar los posibles mecanismos de lesión de los conductores de patinetes eléctricos implicados en impactos frontales contra vehículos SUV mediante análisis de elementos finitos y un modelo de cuerpo humano. En general, los resultados sugirieron lesiones cerebrales graves (probabilidad del 30% al 40%), craneales moderadas (probabilidad del 30%) y torácicas graves (probabilidad del 26% al 78%). Además, en dos escenarios se observaron posibles fracturas graves de mandíbula. Estos resultados podrían proporcionar información valiosa para el diseño de sistemas de seguridad específicos o la creación de legislación.
English layman's summary:
This study aimed to identify potential injury mechanisms of e-scooter riders involved in frontal impacts against Sports Utility Vehicles using Finite Element Analysis and a Human Body Model. Overall, the results suggested serious (30% to 40% probability) brain, moderate head (30% probability), and serious thoracic (26% to 78% probability) injuries. Additionally, in two scenarios, potential serious mandible fractures were observed. These findings could provide valuable information for the design of specific safety systems or the creation of legislation.
Keywords: E-scooterSafetyInjury risk criteriaHuman body modelSUVFinite element analysis
JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: 6,000 - Q1 (2023)
DOI reference:
Published on paper: March 2024.
Published on-line: February 2024.
J.M. Asensio-Gil, J.R. Jiménez-Octavio, A. Carnicero, M. Valdano, D. Guzmán, F.J. López-Valdés, Numerical analysis of injuries of e-scooter riders in frontal impacts against SUVs. Results in Engineering. Vol. 21, pp. 101936-1 - 101936-10, March 2024. [Online: February 2024]